Four Years Later Spencer Clean?

Started by NSSpike, June 08, 2016, 08:56:47 AM

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Well darn near it! Almost four years after the NS Heritage Units debut in 2012 at Spencer North Carolina a very clean Norfolk & Western unit leads NS M54  (BIRMINGHAM, AL - LINWOOD, NC) east bound through Tallapoosa Georgia at MP 695.0. All of us track side remarked how clean this unit was.

NS M54  (BIRMINGHAM, AL - LINWOOD, NC) east bound with NS 8103 in the lead by the Waco grain elevators at MP 689.0 In addition to the two lead units, this train had two mid train helpers at 144 cars.

NS M54  (BIRMINGHAM, AL - LINWOOD, NC) east bound through the curves out of CP Taylor MP 675.5

Some twenty days later and after trips through North Carolina / West Virginia / Ohio & Pennsylvania the NS 8103 Norfolk & Western is assigned the lead on NS 173 ( LINWOOD, NC – SHEFFIELD, ALA) west bound at CP Sewell MP 682.7

In early may NS 8114 Norfolk Southern heritage unit heads east leading NS 172 (NEW ORLEANS, LA (UP QLINSL) - LINWOOD, NC) by CP Taylor MP 675.5 Appears maybe a stop was made at Vance Alabama to pick up a cut of auto-racks at the head end of this manifest train.

This DODX military train interchanged off the UP at Memphis to NS as O56 and ran through Birmingham to Atlanta on its way to South Carolina. Seen here at MP 659.4 Douglasville Georgia.

With the NS 1080 leading a quartet of  NS power, 66M (CALERA ALA- ATLANTA GA.) loaded  Blue Circle Cement train heads east at MP 659.7 just west of downtown Douglasville, Ga.

Thirteen days later with just a single unit leading, NS 9065 heads west bound as 67M (ATLANTA GA - CALERA ALA) empty Blue Circle Cement train by CP Baggett MP  668.5

NS 154  (BIRMINGHAM, AL - LINWOOD, NC) east bound with NS 7640 in the lead by the Waco grain elevators at MP 689.0. This train also included two mid train helpers

NS 154  (BIRMINGHAM, AL - LINWOOD, NC) east bound with NS 1150 in the lead and five other head end units heads east out of CP Taylor MP 675.5 This was one of the first trains to include a single end of train DPU rather than a single or double mid-train DPU.

West bound NS 173 (LINWOOD, NC – SHEFFIELD, ALA) with the NS 9244 in the lead holds the siding in downtown Temple, Ga as NS 226 (LOS ANGELES, CA (UP ZLCAI) - ATLANTA, GA) with three head end UP units heads east on the main line. This train also included a single DPU at the rear.

NS 220 (DALLAS, TX (KCS IDAAT)- ATLANTA, GA) heads east out of CP Taylor MP 675.5 with two Southern Belle units.

NS 24E ATLANTA, GA - DALLAS, TX (KCS IATDA2) east bound on the siding at CP Sewell MP 682.7with two Southern Belle units.