First shots of the newest of the new power on NS

Started by E.M. Bell, June 06, 2016, 09:40:03 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

While hundreds of older engines sit stored across the system, NS is starting to take delivery of a batch of the new fangled GE Tier 4 ET44AC's this month   One of the first shipments of these new units gathered in Chattanooga, and started to be sent out over the weekend.

Train 116 departed Chattanooga Northbound up the CNO&TP Sunday morning with ET44AC #3620 dead in tow, and that unit was handed off to train 112 at Danville KY that afternoon.  112 had struck a downed tree earlier that morning in TN, and the lead unit was damaged, necessitating the engine swap. 112 headed out of Danvlle with the brand new NS 3620 making its first revenue trip leading.  I found out about this last minute and bounded out the front door and up to the tracks with about 30 seconds to spare.....not that I really care about another GE, but hey...its new and shiny, and I had not seen any other pics of these leading yet, so why not..

As luck would have it, that new GE made it about 30 miles across the Louisville District before it died. After talking to MOC on the radio, the crew got it started again, but still had loading issues.  I understand that at least Two more of these that left Chattanooga over the weekend also failed en-route with various issues.

  NS 112 at Salvisa, KY wth ET44AC #3620 leading.  06/05/16E

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


Michael Knight

Thanks for sharing, Emmett. Are those cab numbers just further a part, or is that a different font than normal? It reminds me of the scotchlite numbers NS added on a few repaints back in the 90s.


Nice catch! Shiny new NS paint always looks sharp.