Alaska RR on the old N&W in Ohio (CCET)

Started by E.M. Bell, August 12, 2014, 07:58:33 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

The old N&W mainline between Cincinnati and Portsmouth Ohio (the famed Peavine line) has been dormant for several years now since NS removed through traffic from the line due to the condition of the big bridge near Vera Jct. Since that time NS has served customers on the West end of the line with a local based out of Clare yard near Cincinnati, but now a new shortline operator has taken over that portion.

The new Cincinnati East Terminal RR (CCET) started operations a couple of months ago on the Peavine, serving the customers between Clare yard to East of Batavia, Ohio. At startup, the CCET used a GP38-2 leased from RJC for power, but now that engine has been returned and they are using a Trio of Ex Alaskan GP49's.  I had not been able to get up there to shoot the new operation and those "exotic" EMD's until this past weekend when myself, Mr. Starnes and Mr. ODell were invited to come do some night shots with the CCET 2807 after the Summerail show at CUT. 

We were able to spend a couple of hours shooting various angles of the engine, only using ambient light and a single handheld strobe to "paint" the 2807 with (we had not known we would be doing this when we left home and had to make do what what we had....old school!). It was odd to be shooting an engine that was accustomed to the great white North on a hot, muggy Ohio night, but this is probably as close to Alaska as I will ever get!!    All images taken on RR property with permission and all proper safety precautions in place.   

The entire set can be found at this link >>>


Northern Lights" Cincinnati East Terminal Railway (Former Alaska nee US Rail) GP49 #2807 shows off it's full light package as it idles this past Saturday night at the CCET's facility at Anchor, Ohio

Alaska RR ( now CCET ) 2807 shows off her unique light package, which must been of great comfort to crews when up North when running through the frozen wilds of the tundra at night. The unit is also equipped with regular ditch lights as well. That much candle power is never a bad thing!

The moon shines bright over the old N&W Peavine line as Cincinnati East Terminal Railroad Manager / Engineer Chris Edwards pauses for a portrait with CCET 2807 Saturday evening. Chris & his employees are breathing new life into what was once the N&W mainline from Portsmouth to Cincinnati, a line that most had figured would be written off for dead, but now has a bright future with a new operator.

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


Matt L

Nice shots! I'm always happy to see a shortline operator resurrect a line that was written off by a bigger RR.
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.


Great shots... Thanks for takin the time to post them... I'm with you on the "regional shortline" thing... It's good for everybody...



Beautiful night shots! Do you know if they plan on painting the units... or leave them as is? DE Dan

E.M. BellTopic starter

A small update to answer a question.  The 2807 has received a patch job this week, with the CCET logo on the cab sides and nose. The other Two units are still in full Alaska Paint, and still out of service. 
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



John Mark Crowder

Bill Richardson