March Heritage Units on the Louisville District

Started by E.M. Bell, April 06, 2016, 09:39:05 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

March was a good month around here for Heritage units on the Louisville District, with both the Interstate and Illinois Terminal units making  more than One appearance. 

The IT 1072 had been my "White Whale" until 2015, when I finally manged to shoot it leading a train on the CNO&TP "In the Wild"  as it seemed to have avoided KY and TN with a passion.  Now, it seems to be just hanging around!  I have yet to shoot her on a sunny day thought (except for the Heritage Shindig in Spencer), but those gaudy colors really pop on a cloudy day, so not all is lost. 

Interstate 8105 showed up a few times later in the month, and I managed to take advantage of that One Sunny afternoon....the Ones you have shot a lot always show up when the sun is out!  I am also throwing in a couple of shots of the CNJ 1071 which has been lurking in coal train service and making regular trips through Kentucky. 

You can find the whole set at this link>>>


Illinois Terminal 1072 brings NS 375 West through the rain at Harrodsburg, KY

NS 375 crosses the creek at Salvisa, Passing the GRS Model SC Searchlight signals that would soon be replaced. 

375 rolling up the main at Turtle Tree Curve at Waddy, KY


Interstate 8105 leads NS 223 as the train climbs out of the Salt River Bottom at McBrayer, KY

223 at Vanarsdale, Ky

And 223 Once again, getting back on the move after meeting 5 Wetbounds at Talmage, KY


CNJ 1071 trails Eastbound TVA coal train 890 (DPU) as the train dissappears down the Roller Coaster Profile at Convoy, KY

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


Matt L

Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.