Central of Georgia Herittage on the CNO&TP in KY

Started by E.M. Bell, March 03, 2016, 07:13:57 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

Saturday 02/27/16, The Central of Georgia Heritage unit, NS  8108, finally made its way back to Kentucky after being sidelined for a few weeks.

The 8101 was the leader on NS 215, one of the Trio of HOT Southbound pig trains on the CNO&TP (locally known as the Three Little Pigs, as they always seem to run together) , and thanks to some good intel the day before, I was able to get out and get a few shots.   I joined Mr. Herndon about mid-morning, and  we headed out  to follow 215 South.    Without a doubt, chasing a pig train on the CNO&TP can be a frustrating thing to say the least.  Every day, they part the waters to get 295, 229 and 215 (which usually run in that order back to back) over the road as FAST as they can..its almost a sin for One of those to see anything other than a clear, but then again, sometimes you get lucky..   

We started out at North Wye, which is the point where the Louisville District joins the CNO&TP, just North of Danville, KY and went South from there.  Northbound 144 had some air issues on single track South of Danville, which caused 215 and 229 to get some delay and allowed us to get back ahead...if it had not been for that and the backup of trains as a result, we would have probably never seen them again.  Its almost impossible to chase a 60mph train on that line if they don't get stopped anywhere! 

Below are a few samples, and you can find the entire set at this link>>>>>>    http://www.pbase.com/kd4jsl/cs2nd2016


CofG 8101 leads NS 215 by North Wye, near Danville, KY as a empty grain train heads North.

"Have a R.C. & the CofG" A battered old R.C. Cola thermometer that is probably older than most of the folks reading this hangs on the side of the old Green River General Store (and is still dutifully showing the correct temperature) as NS 215 crosses the Green River Bridge at Southfork  with Central of Georgia 8101 leading. If you look close, you can tell just how steep the grade is here at the foot of Kings Mountain...the bridge piers are level but, the track is not even close! Wouldnt you just love to see even a fraction of the cool stuff that old building has seen cross that bridge??,Southfork, Kentucky

Burnside was more constipated  than a redneck with a belly full of Government cheese. 275 and 117 had just left (side by side) as 215 creeps across the Cumberland River Bridge (with the CofG leading)....229 was bearing down on them on the other track, and both would change crews and leave at the same time, running South side by side all the way up Greenwood Hill.. Soon after, 295, 809 and 174 would all hit town at the same time..... Burnside, KY

229 and 215 set side by side at Burnside, KY during a quick crew change.  Both trains departed South at the same time, and would run almost side by side all the way to KD Tower.

215 passes the old cemetery at Tateville, KY after departing Burnside.  229's last car had just cleared us by a few seconds on #1 track.

The shorter and faster (and hotter) 229 beat 215 up Greenwood hill, and headed out onto Single track first.  It is seen here in the cut at Parker's lake, KY

215 follows shortly behind 229 at Parker's Lake, KY

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



