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January 2016 contest

Started by JCagle, January 12, 2016, 02:17:50 PM

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Select up to 3 entries in the January Contest

Gage O'Dell NKP 765
2 (15.4%)
Gage O'Dell NS 9-1-1
2 (15.4%)
callduckfarm  205
2 (15.4%)
callduckfarm 12T
3 (23.1%)
tq-07fan  305
1 (7.7%)
tq-07fan  955
0 (0%)
TylerHardin33  611
2 (15.4%)
TylerHardin33 142
0 (0%)
atsf93 947
1 (7.7%)
atsf93  955
0 (0%)
cmherndon  Search lights
7 (53.8%)
cmherndon 295
6 (46.2%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: February 22, 2016, 04:30:40 PM

JCagleTopic starter

We are starting a new year and getting back in to life as usual, so its a great time to reflect back on the past year  and all of the things that happened. The theme for this month will be my favorite shots of 2015. You may submit 2 entries for this contest. We will rake entries until the 31st and begin the voting in the next couple of days after that.

As a side note I want to apologize for letting the contest slip off a little bit last year. Life threw quite a bit at me last year and it kind of fell to the backburner at times. I am going to try to make it more of a priority this year. Sometimes i got the feeling that many of you were busy as well when there were contests with few entries. I want to get back to having a semi schedule with the contests, so here is how i see the schedule going. The theme will be announced within the first several days after completion of voting for the previous contest. Typically we will leave the contest open for the rest of the calendar month. Sometimes it may be a few days longer or shorter depending on the month. Within a day or so of the contest closing we will post the poll and keep it going for at least 5 days, and it will always include at least one full weekend.

As a reminder I am also willing to take any ideas and sugguestuobs of topics you have.

All of the normal rules apply to this contest. Feel free to email or pm me with questions.

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Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

Gage O'Dell

NKP 765 at East Wayne 7/18/15

NS 9-1-1 posing in Georgetown with some of Georgetown's finest


Focused my rail photography on the Portage Bridge in 2015.
CEFX 3173 & NS 9822 on 205 crossing the Portage Bridge on 2/28/2015.


After tree clearing on the site of the new bridge, this view was created.
NS 9176 with train 12T on the Portage Bridge.


I guess my two favorite NS images for the year where both while out on trips with my friend Paul.
1) NS 305 pulling across the diamond for the former Toledo and Ohio Central which is now part of the West Virginia Secondary at Bannon in Columbus Ohio. The N & W color position light signals were still up but being replaced in this April 28 scene. These were the last true N & W color position light signals in operation in Ohio.
2) While out on an overnight trip to Pittsburgh we stopped at CP Federal (Street) on Friday July 3rd. Lots of stuff was parked heading toward Pittsburgh but nothing moving through Pittsburgh. We sat for a while then went to the other side and heard a train. It ended up being the OCS. We drove up Ohio River Blvd and ended up getting ahead of it while they did the crew change at Conway. I figured that we would have a one shot before it really took off on the Ft Wayne Line and set us up with a Pennsylvania Lottery billboard in the shot because unexpectedly catching the OCS (operating as NS 955) was like winning scratch off ticket.



611 stomps the Blue Ridge grade as it passes through the small community of Webster VA.
webster by Tyler Hardin, on Flickr

142 crosses over the Cumberland River with the Chicago & Northwestern Heritage unit leading.
142_CumberlandRiver by Tyler Hardin, on Flickr


2015 really elevated my photography :) With that said I have two submissions for the contest this month:

1) NS 947 (OLS Special) is crossing the Ohio River from Ludlow on August 4th.
2) NS 955 (Kentucky Derby Deadhead) is westbound in Miamisburg Ohio Crossing the Great Miami River. This is near MP 220 on the Dayton District.



1.) The searchlights at Delaplain, KY.  These were the last of the searchlights on the CNO&TP, and were taken down just two days after this photo.

2.) A long 295 is working hard to get up the short grade at Parkers Lake, KY.

Caleb M. Herndon, KK4CDT
Frankfort, KY

"The human mind is like a railroad freight car; guaranteed to have a certain capacity, but often running empty."

JCagleTopic starter

The poll is (finally) up and active for 7 days so we get a weekend in on this one.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

Forum Admin

Congrats to Caleb Herndon and his winning image "Searchlight sunset at Deliplane, KY"  ! 
The team