SNOW!! NS and a Winter storm in Kentucky.

Started by E.M. Bell, January 24, 2016, 06:06:35 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

After the little, tiny, minuscule dusting of snow Central KY got a week or so ago, I was beginning to think it was going to be a boring Winter around here with just cloudy days and no white stuff on the ground....those fears seem to have been unfounded..     Early last week, we got a couple of inches on the 19th and 20th, and the local weather folks seemed to be excited about something even bigger.  Usually, when they hype this stuff up so much, it wont do a thing.....but not this time.  While seemingly everyone else in Kentucky was in a panic about the impending white doom, I was getting the Explorer ready, cleaning cameras and getting ready for some fun.....I was not disappointed!! 

The snow started falling early Friday morning (01/22/16) just after daylight, and by 10am or so, it was really coming down. Snow fall rates averaged around 2 or 3 inches an hour , along with a wicked (and almost constant) 40mph wind.   As most folks where scrambling to get back home after EVERYTHING closed early that day, I was loading up and heading out into the brunt of it to shoot a few trains.  The roads got real bad real quick, as the snow was falling faster than the plows could keep up. The main roads were passable most of the time, but the side roads in the county (you know...the ones that take you to the trains) became plain out scary even with a 4x4.  I decided to avoid the hills and hung out around Talmage on the Louisville District for a couple of hours before heading home for the day. 

Saturday 01/23/16 dawned cold and sorta clear, with the wind still howling.  Overnight, that wind had created 7 to 8 foot drifts in places on the back roads, making it even harder to get around.  I headed back again and had some fun drift busting to get into a few places.  NS stayed busy through the whole storm, and I was able to shoot a bunch of stuff on the Louisville District.  Southern Kentucky and the CNO&TP got even more snow than we did here in the Central part of the state, but I was not able to make it down there this time..... Having the only 4x4 in the family meant I also spent a lot of time playing "snow taxi" for family members in 3 counties, but that is ok....I was still out in it! 

Most folks hate the winter and love the summer, but this is what I live for.  The more snow the better, and the cold temps are pretty nice to.....One of these days I think I will retire to Alaska and enjoy it :) 

Here are a few of my favorites from the week, and be sure to check out the entire set...over 20 new images, at this link >>>>>>>


The first part of the storm came on the 20th, and after making the 50 mile round trip to take my wife to work, I got out and shot a few trains in the little bit of snow we had.  At this point, we did not know it would be getting even better in a couple of days.    Here is NS 167 with a pair of former SOO SD60s, now wearing CP red, at Talmage, KY

Eastbound 708 passes through the frozen Tobacco fields near Vanarsdale, KY


Heavy snow and a 40mph wind pelt NS 376 and it pulls out of the siding at East Talmage, KY

Westbound empty coal train  709 powers through the storm between Convoy and Talmage, KY

376 waits in the siding as the DP units on 75W disappear into the snow at Talmage 

"Westbound Blizzard" NS 273 is creating its own winter storm in its wake as it negotiates the big dip at Convoy,KY . I felt the need to dig out the big glass for this shot, as it is really only effective on a cloudy, COLD day. While the road crews around here are doing a good job of keeping the big roads open, the country roads like the One that brings you to this spot are all but impassable in places....I encountered 5 or 6 foots drifts on the hill tops as the wind kept piling up the simply does not get any better!

NS 112 winds through the snow covered streets of Harrodsburg, Ky  following the course of Town Branch creek West with NS 7000 leading. I have been shooting NS (and Southern) stuff now for over 30 years, and every time I hear one of those "Old" engine numbers on the radio I still get excited...but sadly this NS 7000 is not a HH GP40X.. This version of NS 7000 is a former CNW SD60 (Built as CNW 8026) and rebuilt by NS as a SD60E in April of 2015. Still a good looking motor, but it is no 7000 to me

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



Nice shots E.M. I have to say NS engines paint really stands out either covered in snow or coal dust. I love it either way.


Now that's what I was expecting to see. Some snow! Great catches there EM. Still holding out for more than a dusting down here in west / North Georgia.


Matt L

Greats shots! Snow is a pain for chasing but it does create some special scenes.
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.


Excellent coverage Emmett. I would have loved to have been out there too unfortunately it was my weekend to work. Next weekend I'm off but that snow will long gone. Great catch on that CP SD60 167. The red really pops in that snow.

E.M. BellTopic starter

Thanks Guys,  I just wish it would have lasted longer! 
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


E. Hodgson

Don't worry Emmett I think there is more coming in February.

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