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June 2015 Contest "Details"

Started by Forum Admin, June 08, 2015, 05:16:55 PM

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Choose your favorite TWO iages

K&IT  "Steplight in the snow"
6 (50%)
K&IT  "Shelbyville Diamond"  
3 (25%)
K8DTU  "Conrail Dash"
3 (25%)
TJ Mahan "SR 2613 #1"
5 (41.7%)
TJ Mahan "SR 2613 #2 "
1 (8.3%)
NS Yorktown "Campcars #1"
1 (8.3%)
NS Yorktown "Campcars #2"
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: June 29, 2015, 05:46:41 PM

Forum AdminTopic starter

June 2015

The old saying goes "The Devils in the Details"  so lets see you best TWO detail shots. They can be of locomotives, cars, track, structures.  Any part of the Norfolk Southern or predecessors. 

All standard contest rules apply.  Entries will be taken until June 20th, and the poll will go up on the 21st. 

Good luck, and lets see what you have! 
The team

Kentucky & Indiana Terminal RR

She won't win any awards but during this last winters record snow fall I shot this step light shining it's best under all the snow build up. Seemed like a neat scene to me at the time.
"The engineer in the old high cab his gold watch in his hand, looking at the waterglass and letting down the sand, rolling out on the old main line taking up the slack, gone today so they say but tomorrow he'll be back...."


Upon the dashboard of a Conrail track car are two pairs of safety glasses, clear and sun.  Oak Harbor, Ohio on May 15, 1999.

T. Mahan

Former Southern 2613 which later became Waccamaw Coastline Railroad, then now Carolina Southern.  The line is currently embargoed by FRA due to track and bridge condition, and the engines sidelined in Chadbourn, NC.  To appreciate this locomotives interesting past, you must look at the details... WCLR herald on the nose and the mighty SOUTHERN still making a strong appearance on the flanks!
T.J. Mahan
Green Cove Springs, FL


The two attached images are basically of the same thing . . . close-up's of the ends of an NS camp car.  I couldn't decide which of the photographs was better so they are simply marked "A" and "B".

The story: I purchased some camp car kits in HO scale for my home layout a few years ago, so was interested in the details on each vehicle (prior to assembly of the cars).  By a twist of luck, an entire MOW train ended-up on the local Westview Avenue siding (Muncie, IN) in mid-September 2013, so I shot pics of the entire work train from every possible angle.  Whenever I do get a chance to build the models, I'll use my collection of close-up views for reference purposes.   Note: Hopefully I'll be able to match the fine details (platforms, railing, signage, accessories, etc.) perfectly.

Kentucky & Indiana Terminal RR

Where the old Southern crossed the old L&N, modern railroading hasn't changed its vintage set up somewhat hidden in downtown shelbyville.
"The engineer in the old high cab his gold watch in his hand, looking at the waterglass and letting down the sand, rolling out on the old main line taking up the slack, gone today so they say but tomorrow he'll be back...."

Forum AdminTopic starter

The poll is up and will be active for 7 days.  Vote for your favorite 2 images!
The team

Forum AdminTopic starter

Congrats to Adam Wells for his winning image " Step light in the snow"  !!  Good Job Adam..

The Topic for the July Contest will be announced next week. 
The team