Request for Critique on Exposure and Sharpening....

Started by leroy, February 27, 2015, 09:16:30 PM

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leroyTopic starter

Dear folks....

I know that there are some great photographers with great eyes here on this forum... I take lots of photos late in the evening because that is the nature of the traffic where i live here near the hamlet of Clinton, TN... Please take a look at the attached pictures and give me your collective opinions on overall photo quality, exposure, and sharpening... I'm strivin to get a more natural look on these pictures, but i ain't sure gettin there... Remember, im a geezer, so ya aint gonna hurt my feelings RE: constructive (...and even unkind...) thoughts and opinions; speak 'em out, that's why i asked in the first place...

These shots were shot with the sun low in the sky at almost a 90 degree angle to the camera; with the two depot shots on the shady side... They were shot with a prime lens and cropped to suit my eyeball... I can't decide whether they are a tad over-exposed or not... They were also shot with a polarizing filter to calm down the glare...

Here they are, such as they are....


leroyTopic starter

All... Please take a minute to look at the three pictures in the above post and tell me if they are too light... I had to lighten them up in Lightroom to clean up the shadows and add detail to the shady side...



Bill Richardson

Leroy---In my opinion, they look pretty good as you have them, but you might try a couple things to see how they work out, one thing at a time probably.

You might try darkening them by one step.  I know you lightened them from the original, but you might darken one step, especially the first one.  It looks like it was made on a bright, sunny day, and is probably natural looking.  Darkening one step might make it better, or increasing the contrast one step. Same with the other two.

It seems to me that the magenta might ought to be reduced one step, in all of them.  You could experiment and see how they look.

I'd reduce the magenta one step, check that,  if better, then darken one step, or increase contrast one step, for each photo, one at a time.

I'd try to darken one step OR increase contrast one step--not both.  They might not need either, but you can experiment.

Just my suggestions--trial and error.


leroyTopic starter

Thanks Bill; i appreciate it... I'll try your suggestions and see what they look like... I kinda thought the might need to be darkened down a bit... I'll try the magenta thing too and see what we get.... 

Update... The reducing exposure plus the magenta thing worked well... Take a look here...

I like this much better...

Thanks for takin the time to review and comment...

Bill Richardson

Ok.  Glad it worked out for you.  I like it better too.
