This weekend in Oak Ridge...

Started by etalcos, November 27, 2014, 06:07:04 PM

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etalcosTopic starter

The Secret City Scenic Excursion Train will be operating Friday and Saturday in Oak Ridge and we'll be using a locomotive that has been stored for some time.  The locomotives will be an all L&N group, which is not real uncommon for us. What's unusual will be former CSX 9554 in service.  We'll be using 1030 and 9554 both originally delivered new to the L&N, one in 1963, and the other in 1975 respectively. Granted they both could use a coat of paint, but not many places that have two former Louisville and Nashville locomotives in service for excursions.

This is a rare outing for 9554 in her CSX Maintenance of Way orange paint.