Air socks

Started by thpbears, October 21, 2014, 02:37:47 PM

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thpbearsTopic starter

I have noticed air socks at Yuma yard as well as Frisco yard. There is no place to land a helo here so does anyone know what they are used for ?

Kentucky & Indiana Terminal RR

We use them at the PAL as wind indicators in the case of a haz mat spill that includes downwind evacuations.
"The engineer in the old high cab his gold watch in his hand, looking at the waterglass and letting down the sand, rolling out on the old main line taking up the slack, gone today so they say but tomorrow he'll be back...."


KITRR is correct. Most places(including non RRs) have air socks for Hazmat Releases... not helicopter landings. DE Dan

thpbearsTopic starter

Okay makes since. They have just put them up in the last few days so was just curious.