A good power Sunday on the Second District.

Started by E.M. Bell, October 31, 2005, 10:16:32 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

Its been several Months since I managed to have enough time (and good weather) to get out and shoot Two days in a row. After spending the afternoon on Saturday shooting the Fema train, Caleb, Randy and myself ventured Further South on Sunday 10/30/05. The goal was to try to capture what was left of the meager fall color, the result was a rather busy day with lots of good power showing up.

We started off at Geneva (KY), setting up to shoot 283. The sun was shining all around, but this spot (near the Green River)  still had some fog. Here is a series of shots of 283, and my attempt to do something a litte different.

283's head in in perfect light.  http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=123899

A tight tele shot of the train under the signal bridge in the fog

and the rear of the train, just a ghostly shadow, disappearing into the fog.

179 meets a monster 216 at Geneva shortly after 283 runs.

The next stop was South ForK, to shoot 223, which had a old Conrail SD50 leading Two NS SD60's.


NS has installed a new fangled Solar powered Curve greaser at South Fork. First time I had seen one of these..  Most of the curve greasers out there are mechanical, with no power to them.


After a long dry Spell, and lunch at Kings Mountain, we find ourselves just South of Gradison.  After a short wait, 117 shows up with a Mix of EMD power. The NS leader, a Former N&W SD40-2, still carries a almost perfectly tuned Leslie RS5T horn...listening to that trio of EMD's working the hill with that (horn of the gods) calling out was the highlight of the day for me.


143 is not to far behind 117, and we move South a bit to Science Hill, to shoot him at "Fairy Curve". More good power in the form of a highhood GP38-2 leads the way.


After 143 runs, traffic seems to die out and we muttle over heading back North. After hearing that 143 will have to wait at Woods for a Northbound, we scrap that plan and head further South to Burnside for a few More. The light is stunning on the lake Cumberland Bridge, so we set up for a few shots. This first shot is 143 on the bridge..thanks to Randy for some inspired driving and loosing his shot for I could get this one..


We bag Two more on the Bridge from different angles.


by now, the light is starting to fade, and we finally turn North towards home. We get one more on the way. 177 meets 144 at Waynesburg as the shadows grow long.

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



That is some good power! Great shots Emmett  8)
God Bless America!
NS Conductor, CNO&TP
A few pictures


They have installed those solar powered greasers next to the hwy 2168 overpass.They put them in after clearing the trees and brush next to the farm crossing.