
Started by Bill Richardson, February 26, 2021, 08:37:54 PM

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Bill RichardsonTopic starter

   By the way, I just saw that the last post in "Heads Up" was on Nov. 24, 2019.  It's been a long time since then.  That section isn't working any more.

   I just saw that there are 55 guests and 3 users on here right now.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I usually find 25 or more visitors on here any time I look, and usually more.  I wonder what visitors mainly look for.  Of course they can't comment on this because they are visitors, not members.  I wonder if they look for certain subjects (categories), or just look in general to see what is in here.  I suppose some visitors might be looking for certain things, like RR photography, or radio frequencies, or photos to look at, or some other particular RR info, and others take a more generalized view, wandering down the list.

E. Hodgson

I believe that you should be able to click the link for users and guest and see what they are viewing I cannot confirm but I believe all users have access to that feature not just admin team. I suspect that a number of those guest are search engine bots indexing the site for searches, some are spam bots attempting to find vulnerabilities to post spam as well. I will concede that one or two maybe people lurking for info, there is a lot of good information contained here.

Feel free to add to Heads up or anything you think might spurn activity, if you are interested in taking a active role in the forum feel free to PM and discuss that.