Shooting the moon...

Started by E.M. Bell, October 06, 2006, 09:27:27 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

Yup..sometimes I aim the Canon at something other than trains...

A full moon and a scattering of thin clouds proved to good to pass uptonight. The colder temps meant a clearer sky with little heat distortion. The first one, with the moon almost in full frame was shot at around 640mm, ISO 200, F11 @250. Post processing included raw conversion, crop and resize, and a unsharp mask. Addtional filtering with neat Image.   The second one was shot around 100mm or so, F11 @60. Post processing the same.

For a larger image with more detail than the embedded images here, go to

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



Just found out via Kevin Lighty(FOX 56 NEWS) that it is the "harvest" moon, when the moon is closer to the earth. BTW, great photo in the first shot.

Saw the moon rising just after work and it looked a little bigger than usual, thus the reason why they call it a harvest moon and it will be a bit brighter too.


I was hoping to get a good shot of it tonight. but were all clouded in here. There was much debate on the radio tonight over if it was the harvest moon or the hunter moon since traditionally the harvest moon is the full moon of September, but after the radio host discovered that by definition the harvest moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. He then celebrated it by playing Neil Young's Harvest Moon.  Gotta love talk radio!
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter