Sunday Evening Oldies

Started by Ponce de Leon, November 04, 2012, 06:39:43 PM

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Ponce de LeonTopic starter

I did a fair amount of slide scanning today for an ongoing publication project---and I also pulled out a few others, some of which I scanned and posted to Rail Pictures. These range from 1974 to 1991, so I guess you could call them all "oldies." Maybe some of you might enjoy them:
Ron Flanary


Ahhh" that's some great stuff there Ron! Hard to find a fav! But copper creek wins for me but lake Cumberland is half a point behind ( the southern units gave it the tie breaker)


Those are some great pictures and I appreciate you sharing those.  Look at the well-maintained track in the shot with the FP7, the Southern Railway had some great track.

I have seen the bridge in the first picture in one of the Southern Railway calendars.


I bet one day the old shots of all those low hood units running hammerhead style will be considered particularly quaint.  But NS dropped to #2 in the "wait and see" crowd when they bought ACs before CN.


In 50 years... people will be saying... "Look! it's a GE Widecabe GEVO!!!"... "That's an old one!" LOL! Dan


I love the Speers Ferry Shot and that LHF SD60!!!! Great shots, Ron!


Excellent pictures Ron!
Glad you were trackside to document these scenes.

Do I sense an upcoming "radio train" article?   ;D
I noticed the Belmont Coal train & the one at Burnside as "radio."
Masters, slaves, crackerboxes. 
What was once old is new again it seems.
Looking forward to reading your article.

Ponce de LeonTopic starter

No radio train article in the works...but definitely something Southern fans will go ga-ga over tentiavely scheduled for April 2013 Trains Magazine. :) EM and Butch are co-conspirators (and, I couldn't be doing it without their knowledge and assistance).
Ron Flanary