2012 SARM Photo Weekend

Started by etalcos, February 05, 2012, 11:16:47 AM

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I wanted to go ahead and get an advance announcement out for our photo weekend this summer.  We've got a couple projects in process at the moment, so no announcement on the "power" just yet.


SARM Railfan Weekend - August 3-5, 2012

The Southern Appalachia Railway Museum announces their 2012 Railfan Weekend, featuring passenger train trips, equipment displays, a photo freight, and a night photo session.  The event benefits the locomotive restoration efforts of the Museum, including former Southern E-8 #6913.

The event starts on Friday, August 3rd, as we assemble the trains and operate passenger trains over our railroad at 1 and 3pm.  On Saturday, we operate our regular passenger trips at 11am, 1pm and 3pm, followed by a special night photo session conducted by Steve Barry, editor of Railfan & Railroad Magazine.  On Sunday, August 5th, we will operate a sunrise photo freight, making numerous stops along the railroad for photography.

For those who have attended our photo freight events before, you know about all of the photo opportunities along the line.  If you haven't, check out the photos on our website (www.southernappalachia.railway.museum). ; This will be our first photo freight during the long daylight hours of summer, opening up some new photo locations.

Your ticket for the weekend includes unlimited passenger train rides, the night photo session, and the photo freight event.  Snacks and drinks will be available for sale on the train.  No alcohol is allowed.  Numerous hotels and restaurants are available in nearby Oak Ridge and Kingston.

Schedule of Events:

Friday, August 3, 2012
1pm and 3pm - Passenger train trips.

Saturday, August 4, 2012
11am, 1pm and 3pm - Passenger train trips.
8:30pm - Night Photo Session with Steve Barry

Sunday, August 5, 2012
7am - Photo Freight
2pm - End of events

Please note that in addition to these scheduled events, all days will also feature selected switching while making up and putting away trains.

The Southern Appalachia Railway Museum is based in the Knoxville-Oak Ridge, Tennessee, area and operates the Secret City Scenic Excursion Train through the former K-25 Manhattan Project facility.  These trains are operated for the education, entertainment and enjoyment of the passengers and as a fundraising activity for SARM. They will run rain or shine.  SARM cannot be held responsible for problems associated with connecting transportation, lodging, sickness, weather, acts of war, acts of God, or other causes beyond our control.  Tickets are non-refundable but can be resold. Remember, this is a volunteer-operated educational and fund-raising event, please assist us as you can. Please contact the Southern Appalachia Railway Museum with any questions that you might have.  E-mail is preferred at: . If you want to send a written question, send it to Southern Appalachia Railway Museum, PO Box 6756, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831.  Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with any correspondence.  You can also call the museum at (865) 241-2140 for more information.

NOTE: Non-U.S. citizens are required to show passport and/or visa and citizens of certain countries are not permitted to ride. Call for details

Order Form:

Railfan Weekend Tickets    ______ @ $79 each     =     _____________
Donation to preserve Southern E-8 #6913        =    _____________

Total Enclosed:                    =    _____________

Total Payment Enclosed: $______________
(Check or Money Order Made out to SARM)


Mail Reservation Form to:
Southern Appalachia Railway Museum
PO Box 6756
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you wish to receive a confirmation.