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End of year photo contest

Started by JCagle, November 13, 2011, 11:36:56 PM

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JCagleTopic starter

Last year we tried out an end of the year photo contest and it seemed to be a big hit. Would that be something people would want to do again? It seems some months we have a large field of entrants in the field for the contest and sometimes there are just a few.

I have also toyed around with the idea of a photo essay contest for the end of the year. The idea would be something like pick one photo from the year and give a 500 word write up of what it means to you, shows, etc.

Any feedback on these ideas is welcomed, as well as other ideas.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


Just my two cents worth . . . I've always been a fan of the saying "a picture is worth a 1,000 words".  So, I don't see needing 500 words to describe a picture that should already speak volumes.  Good concept, but I'll suggest two others.

How about a contest that best displays NS's horse-head logo or a NS signage with a unique color other than black-and-white:

Just a thought.

Or during this month with shorter day-light hours, a dawn or dusk scene (since we'd now be out with camera's in the 8:00 AM or 7:00 PM range, rather than 5:00 AM or around 10:00 PM as during the summer months).

Note: And, no, I'm not sitting on either concept with a "great" photograph. 

Thx, RDS

JCagleTopic starter

Thanks for the ideas. Feedback is easier when it's more than a yes or no.

I'm not fully following on the logo idea. Are you meaning a contest of changing up the color scheme of the logo, or finding a place where the logo is used in non-standard colors?

We have had night/ dusk shot contests in the past but they did not get a big response.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

Michael Knight

YES on the photo essay -- while it may not be for everyone, I can see some members really enjoying that feature. Plus, it's a way to more fully express not only the scene but also the photographer's motivation for the scene and what it means to him or her.


Sorry (JCagle) for the delayed response . . .

I undertand the the dusk and dawn observation, as fine-timing is involved and not everyone wants to shot into a bright ball of light (as it might destroy a camera's digital card).

The "logo" idea was just thinking out loud.  There are many variations of the horsehead design, even NS logo's in different colors, that might be interesting.  You know, bumper stickers and signage that would be different that the standard herald found on rolling stock or power.

Now that I've slept on it, it sounds pretty odd . . . I'll admit it!  Good luck with what ever you approve, and thanks for all the fun involved in the photo contest.

Matt L

Quote from: Michael Knight on November 16, 2011, 10:58:06 AM
YES on the photo essay -- while it may not be for everyone, I can see some members really enjoying that feature. Plus, it's a way to more fully express not only the scene but also the photographer's motivation for the scene and what it means to him or her.

Agreed. While a picture can speak a thousand words, that isn't necessarily the full story. A pic won't tell the viewer that the photographer has been coming to that spot since he/she was a young child. It won't tell the viewer about the amount of effort that went into taking the shot. It won't tell the viewer if the train was something that happens regularly or merely on occasion. IMO, sharing the story behind the picture could be alot of fun... and informative.  
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.


Yes to the photo essay. While a picture is worth a thousand words if you don't now the history behind the location, photographer, and situation behind the picture it might not be meaningfull to you.

Ponce de Leon

YES to the photo essay (whether I submit anything myself or not). Expressing yourself well through writing is very important, and photo essays are a great way to do that. Frankly, I love to see what others have to say---what moves them and why. Conveying information and emotion through the written word is just as important as the images, if not more so.
Ron Flanary

JCagleTopic starter

I am thinking we will have a photo essay contest since there seems to be a moderate interest in it. Now to hash out some of the dirty details.

I am thinking the essay should be about one shot. The essay should be short (something like 500 words or less). What do you guys think?
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

Matt L

Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.

JCagleTopic starter

My thought is to kept it kind of simple.  I don't think we will get to the point of putting it in word and doing a word count but we don't want 5 pages either. Sometimes the hardest approach to writing is to keep it short.

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Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter