This is Only a Test

Started by Ponce de Leon, July 24, 2011, 02:28:42 PM

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Ponce de LeonTopic starter

This is just a test to see if I can imbed a photo (per EM's excellent instructions). The photo below is just a plain, vanilla set of A-B-B-B-A Southern F-units in early 1962 at the old yard at Appalachia, VA. Obviously it was a "snow day," so school was out (I would have been 14 at the time), so I trudged on down to the yard to "waste" a frame or two of film using my old Kodak.

The yard was closed in September '65 and was converted to the Westmoreland Transloader----which itself closed in 1995. Today, this is just an empty field. The bridge in the background carries the L&N's CV Division to Norton into town. The bridge is still there, but the tracks have been silent now for 25 years.

Ron Flanary


just a test. i'd give you a A. if you see that 14 year old again tell him he did good.

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