The last Sunny Sunday on the Louisville District

Started by E.M. Bell, April 27, 2011, 09:22:18 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

Sunday, April 17th, we decided to head out for the afternoon and enjoy the sunshine and shoot a few trains around the house on the NS Louisville District, and as it turns out, it would be the last Sunny weekend we would see of the rest of the month. It seems to have done nothing but storm and rain since then, and I am starting to get cabin fever to say the least!

Here are are a few pics from the 17th.. The full set can be found at this link, if you need a little dose of pretty weather!

The DPU on train 23G runs along Town Branch creek, as the train winds through downtown Harrodsburg KY

A Tophat leads NS 285 through the big dip at Convoy KY, between East Talmage and Harrodsbug KY

Reconstruction is in full swing at the Corning Glass Plant, as 223 accelerates out of Harrodsburg. The plant suffered a major fire a year ago, and has been rebuilding ever since.

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



I thought you caught a hammerhead there at first! but just another GEneric pusher! Nice pics EM