Adventures in SW VA

Started by butch, January 16, 2011, 11:59:59 PM

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butchTopic starter

I started out this gloomy morning in Norton VA and ran across a load of coal between Coeburn and St. Paul.  The first shot is it entering Little Tom Tunnel.  The next three are of the first three of four trestles the train crossed as it headed up Bull Hill.
Butch Adkins

Railroad Tunnel hunting in Kentucky

butchTopic starter

And a wider shot of the second trestle
Butch Adkins

Railroad Tunnel hunting in Kentucky

Ns Railfan

Fantastic shot of Little Tom Tunnel.

butchTopic starter

Thanks, I just pulled over to the side of the road and watched it approach/enter the tunnel.
Butch Adkins

Railroad Tunnel hunting in Kentucky