Adventures in SW VA part II, the battle of Natural Tunnel

Started by butch, January 17, 2011, 12:20:58 AM

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I was almost to Copper Creek when I heard the Speers Ferry signal called so I swung left to Natural Tunnel.  After seeing the Glenita signal green, I headed to the trailhead for the Spring Hollow Trail which leads to the north side of Natural Tunnel.  The sun was out by now and I had visions of the the engines emerging from the the cave into the bright sun and reflected on the quite surface of Stock Creek.  I hustled down the hill in the snow and wet leaves without falling and breaking anything, grateful that I was able to beat the train.  I quickly selected a spot to frame the train as it exited the tunnel.  I should mention that my sunlit exit shot was in the shadows by at least 100 yards.  But at least I was there in time to get the reflection shot, so I was ready for that.  And 45 minutes later, NS 8019 exited the Tunnel, scorching the ballast at least 10 mph as it struggled to pull, well nothing.  And on top of all of that, I didn't even get a full reflection picture.
Butch Adkins

Railroad Tunnel hunting in Kentucky