
NS System Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chessie5730 on May 11, 2006, 11:43:10 PM

Title: Planning a trip to the Rathole...
Post by: Chessie5730 on May 11, 2006, 11:43:10 PM
Am planning a re-visit to the Rathole at the end of May.  The last time I was here was 1996, and I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of some really good shots.  I've seen the shots @ Burnside, Wiborg, King's Mountain, Keno, and New River, TN, but am wondering if anyone has any other neat locations to shoot?   As well what is the traffic like from Saturday to Tuesday as I will be in the area from May 27 to 30.  Coming down from Canada so any additional information that you could share would be greatly appreciated.

Geoff Elliott
Tecumseh, Ontario
Title: Planning a trip to the Rathole...
Post by: E.M. Bell on May 12, 2006, 10:35:26 PM
Friday and Saturday seem to always have more traffic than the rest of the week. Sundays can be hit or miss depending on what end of the CNO&TP that your on.

There are tons and tons of good shots out there, do you have any specific areas that you want to visit? That could help us narrow some stuff down for you!  The Second district (Danville to Oakdale) is by far the most scenic, at least to me. The third District from Oakdale to Chatt is so-so...better to the South.  You might also consider a day on the Louisville district  if you get that far North. Not as many trains as the CS, but the scenery and photo ops are outstanding.

To get you started on whats out there, feel free to check out the JREB Photo galleries. Clicking on the Central Div stuff will get you the CNO&TP and LS.  http://jreb.org/galleries.htm
Title: The "plan" - sort of...
Post by: Chessie5730 on May 17, 2006, 09:11:30 PM
When I was down in this area back in '95 we pretty much stayed between King's Mountain and Wyborg.  We did go as far south as New River bridge which was quite a sight!!  Mind you we only had about 1 1/2 days in the area.  Looking this time to start around Danville first thing Saturday morning and work our way south.  We have 3 to 4 days in the area depending on how this go... ie. weather..  I rather like the look of the pics of the Green River bridge.  I appears to be a good southbound shot in the afternoon from what I can see of the pic (on the jreb.org site) and the maps that I'm looking at.  Ground level at King's Mountain is interesting as well, but I'm typically not one to tresspass so I may just stay on the bridge.  Are there any 'concerns' that I should have in the area, or places that I should just stay away from?  The jreb.org site has given me some ideas as to some very nice spots so I'll probably stick to the ones I like from that and do limited 'exploring'.  If anyone has any other information or suggestions I'd love to hear them.  Two of us will be in the area from the 27th to the 30th so if you see a vehicle with Ontario plates, stop by and say hi....  

Title: Memorial Day
Post by: Chessie5730 on May 18, 2006, 08:51:09 PM
I forgot that the 27th/28th is Memorial Day weekend over there.  Now I'm wondering if it will even be worth while going as I assume traffic will be down on the line.  Anyone know if this will be the case?

Title: Planning a trip to the Rathole...
Post by: E.M. Bell on May 18, 2006, 11:21:40 PM
NS will keep right on rolling over the holiday. A few locals or yard jobs might not work, but mainline traffic will be buisness as usual. About the only Two days the railroads shut down is Christmas day and new years.

Title: Thanks.....
Post by: Chessie5730 on May 19, 2006, 03:41:52 PM
Glad to hear traffic will be the same.  We were considering cancelling this morning and heading up onto the CP and CN lines in Central and northern Ontario, but we decided to stick to the "Rathole" plan.

I certainly hope everything works out okay with your wife.  I know how trying things like that can be for everyone involved.

Hopefully I'll get the chance to meet some of the local "FRN"s.  Take care and I look forward to hearing from you.


Title: Planning a trip to the Rathole...
Post by: E.M. Bell on May 21, 2006, 04:31:39 PM
Alrighty..as promised, here it goes. I have been thinking about creating a detailed guide to the CNO&TP..wonder of there would be enough interest to do that??

If you dont already know, the radio freqs are. 160.950 (road..about all you need to listen to) 160.830/160.245 (Ch 2..not that active on the CNO&TP) When chosing locations, keep in mind that the Sun is usually only right for Southbounds. In a few certain spots, early in the morning or late in the afternoon/evening you can shoot Northbounds, but its usually a Southbound game. Here are a few of my favorite spots outside the "famous" places.  Ill give directions and road numbers.names, but would recomend you take a good map to help find some of this stuff.

Follow US 127 South From Danville. Go through Junction city and about a mile South you will see Bowen Road to the Right.  The RR goes from Double to Single here and Southbounds will often be held here waiting for trains to come across single track. There are several angles here..across the open field in the mornings, head on with the signals in the afternoon ect.. Soutbounds leaving Bowen have to contend with moreland hill and will be moving slow most of the time, so you can easily get back ahead if you hustle.

Leaving Bowen, go South again on US 127.  In just a mile or so you will see old US 127 off to the right. That road will take you through Moreland and stays close to the tracks for a few miles. There are a few  decent places along this stretch, but about the best place is on the New 127. There is a overhead bridge just South of town the offers a decent Southbound shot through mid morning. IF you shoot a train here, dont expect to see them again unless they get held down around Southfork.

Leaving the Moreland area, stay on US 127 South again until you come into  houstonville (bottom of the big Hill) . Take a LEFT on state road 78, follow that through town and on out into the country a few miles. You will cross over the tracks, then start watching for Chicken Bristle road to the Right (also know as McKinney Ridge road) . Take a RIGHT on that and follow it until you come to the tracks at the CP at Palm. Just past the CP after it goes to Double track, there is a farm crossing that offers a great Southbound shot in the big curve with the Palm Signals in the background.

Leaving palm, head on South on Chicken Bristle road until you get to McKinney. Hang a RIGHT back onto 198 then STRAIGHT at the Stop sign by the concrete place... This will put you onto a road that will follow the tracks  (they should be on your Right) down through Geneva. There are a few shots in this area..just look around for them.  Keep going South and you will cross the tracks at the Green River dip. If your chasing a Southbound and want to get them at Kings mountain, DONT get stopped at this crossing! Staying on the same road for a couple of Miles, watch for South Fork Lake road to the LEFT. Take that, and you will be able to follow the tracks down the valley. Tons of great stuff in this area, including the CP at Southfork. Most of the little roads to the left will take you to the tracks.

Just South of the Cp at Southfork you will see the Green River Bridge. The Southbound shot here is the best. Just follow the little gravel road (Tunnel road I think it is) across the creek to the other side of the bridge. There are several house back there, but the gravel is a county road. I have never had anyone say anything to us about being back there..

To get to Kings Mountain from Southfork, Stay on the road you where on and follow that South under the RR bridge, keeping on the blacktop. Go up the big hill and when you get to the "T" in the road at the top, go RIGHT. Follow that till you come to the next intersection with a Two lane blacktop road..that will be KY 501 and you will be in Kings Mountain. The shot off the bridge is to your right, and to get down to track level, go down past the little general store on old 501. You asked about this location, and we have never had any trouble being down at track level. there are some killer shots down there if you have a big lens...just dont go down into the cut past the gate and you will be fine.

Leaving Kings Mountain, take 501 out to US 27, and take a RIGHT. The next place yu cn get to the tracks is at Waynesburg, but there is not much there. Keep on Going SOUTH on 27 past waynesburg a few miles down through Eubank, and after Eubank, watch for state road 1247. (note..1247 intersects 27 twice through here, take the SECOND 1247 to the RIGHT past Eubank if your going South) . Once on 1247, Watch for Freedom Chruch Road and take a RIGHT on that. Follow Freedom Church back till it gets close to the tracks. The road will follow the tracks closely here, and there are a Few of the "roller coaster" up and down shots in this stretch. Any of the farm crossings in this area are decent shots with a big lens..  To leave this area, go back out to 1247 like you came in.

Back out on 1247, go South again. This will take you through Science Hill and on down towards Norwood. When you get to where 1247 ends turn RIGHT up towrds the tracks on the little road just Before US 27. Park at the crossing there and it will afford a fine tele shot of the Signals at Norwood...a Favorite morning location of mine.  

From Norwood, you will have to use 27 to get down through Somerset. There is a LOT of construction going on down this stretch, so be careful. Somerset proper would best be avoided...there are a few good shots around town, but nothing worth the hassle of the traffic and one way streets!! Staying on 27 will take you to the bridge over the Cumberland river at Burnside...several good places to shoot that, including the famous overlook up on the bluff from the North Side.

Ill make this Part One... more later tonight....
Title: Planning a trip to the Rathole...
Post by: E.M. Bell on May 21, 2006, 09:53:39 PM
OK..a few more spots...

Im not sure if you have been to the Keno/Deep Hollow area or not. Just South of Burnside the RR enters the Daniel Boone Forrest, and while this is a very remote area, there are tons of good shots. After you pass through Burnside and Tateville Southbound on 27, you will go under the RR. Just past the underpass, watch for Garland road on the RIGHT (there is a gas station there with a SR cabb) . Stay straight on Garland road up the hill and you will cross over the RR on a bridge that overlooks the river valley...decent Southbound shot.  There is a small one lane road that turns to the left just before the garland road bridge. If you follow that up the hill, you will find a Two lane road..turn right on that and look for Cave Springs Road to the RIGHT. The bridge over the RR at Cave Springs (Keno) is one of the highest Road bridges over the tracks... To get back out to 27, Just backtrack.

There are a few good spots (like Parkers Lake) off of 27 between Keno and Whitley city. The tracks stay close to the Road. The Next "hidden" place I can think of is just across the TN Line North of Onidea. As soon as you cross the tracks (the first time you wil go over them after the state line) look for Popular Lane and make a RIGHT. Follow that road back about a mile and you will cross the RR again. From that bridge, you can shoot Southbounds in a nice curve passing a old coal tipple..

There is not much around downtown Onidea. Just South of town you will find the CP at Pemberton. There are a couple of good shots off the overpass there. THE best shot in that area is of course New river Bridge, South. to get to that spot, stay South on 27, go under the old New RIver RR, Down the hill and watch for the 27 bridge over the river. Just before the bridge there is a SMALL "semi-paved"l road that turns off to the RIGHT (easy to miss). Take that and follow the main path back up the valley. You will come to a cabin back there just before the big bridge, and thats where the good shot is at. I have not shot that location except in the winter, so I dont know how bad the foliage will be, but its worth a look.

Between New river and Oakdale, the tracks follow 27 more or less. You will see several place worth shooting..Mountain view, Rugby road, Robbins, Sunbright, Pilot Mountain, annadale to name a few. A good TN map will be all you need to find the tracks.

Hope this helps...there are a lot more places, but these are some of my favorites..